Hooke Verse is able to capture 3D audio via the accompanying Hooke Audio app which transforms the Hooke Verse headphones into 3D audio microphones. You can record 3D audio video or just audio.
Hooke Verse is not waterproof nor sweat resistant
The housing of the hooke Verse are made of thermoplastic material, including the nozzle tips which have an angled positioning against the housing that helps to keep the earphones in your ears.
Compared to using a portable field recorder hooked to your camera, the Hooke Verse is so much more versatile because it's an all-in-one solution so you don't have to bring extra equipment with you.
Plus, Hooke Verse is much easier to use too because you don't have to tweak around recording settings nor have to move the recorded 3D audio files from an SD card into your computer to sync into the video.
reset pinhole button
The Hooke Verse can record pretty good wireless audio without any noticeable lag even at 3 meters away which is pretty impressive. The quality of the Hooke Verse audio recording is even better with more detail via the wired connection.
charging port doubles also as the wired mode input
silicone/foam ear tips included
hooke verse mic spare covers