Sennheiser CX 6.00BT In Ear Gaming Headphones With aptX-LL Digital Audio
Thursday, February 01, 2018

micro USB charging cable

battery box compartment
Talking about battery life, the CX 6.00BT headphones have a 6-hour battery life via a lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery that takes only 1.5 hours to fully charge via fast charge technology which adds 15% of battery charge in just 90 minutes.
LED activity indicator on far right of remote
The rechargeable battery is located in box compartment separate from the 3-button remote which also integrates a very good microphone for hands-free calling.
microphone pinhole
The inline remote, which has a nice robust build with tactile and responsive buttons drapes around your jawline, which is just about the perfect height you want the inline remote microphone to be.

cable management slider

ear tips store neatly inside the plastic carry case

With the CX 6.00BT earphones you also get ear tips in four sizes (XS, S, M, L), a 10cm long micro USB charging cable and the plastic box that the earphones come with which doubles as a nifty carry case for storing the earphones and ear tips.

remote control box and battery box
As far as sound, the audio quality you get with the CX 6.00BT earphones is superb and on par with the CX 7.00BT and Momentum Free which feature a frequency response that ranges between 17Hz and 21,000 Hz and allows for audio with clear high end and bassy low end. You also won't have to worry about volume levels as you can turn the sound pretty loud on the CX 6.00BT earphones.