
Beast Fitness Strength Sensor For Training Workouts!

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

The Beast fitness strength sensor is a small and magnetic sports fitness/ strength training wearable with a built-in accelerometer for recording power, speed, explosiveness, resistance and strength exercises.
The Beast fitness strength sensor can be worn around the wrist via a magnetized velcro wristband or it can be attached magnetically to weights, dumbbells or cable machine plates to measure movement.
micro USB port
When attached to a barbell, the Beast fitness strength sensor will measure how fast you are lifting the barbell, giving you invaluable feedback on your lifting form.
power switch
LED light on bottom right corner
If you are someone who regularly does barbell bench presses or barbell squat exercises, you will know the importance of correct form and explosive lifting technique to develop muscle.
velcro wristband
The Beast Sensor works in conjunction with the Beast Strength app (available on Play Store and iTunes Store) which essentially acts as a virtual coach showing you visually how fast you are lifting the bar and whether you are being explosive enough all the way through the entire lift.
Beast-001 model 3.7 V 120 mAh Li-ion battery
With a every rep you get real data and numbers, as well as instant feedback to let you connect what you are feeling with what's actually happening.
The data recorded by the Beast fitness strength sensor during each rep helps you tailor your own individual goals. The Beast Strength app lets you set your own values and parameters, so you can monitor speed and fatigue levels as well as rest time which are great data to have if you do speed benching or speed squatting for building both strength and speed.
Beast Sensor helps you be explosive through each weight lifting session so you can lift at maximum strength without risking injury or missing a lift because of heavy dead lifts. As you can easily attach the Beast Sensor on a bar, you can share the Beast Sensor with multiple users and individually register each individual workout. Being able to do this comes really handy, especially if you are a gym instructor or fitness instructor with several clients.
the Beast Strength app is intuitive and easy to use
To view the recorded data you do it via the Beast Sensor website at
The Beast fitness strength sensor and app comes with predefined exercises but you can create a new exercise for the Beast Sensor to track.
 With new exercises you can select velocity based training (VBT) and "unilateral" which is an option you tick when creating an exercise that requires alternating different limbs such as dumbbell bicep curl exercises.
inside the box

Beast Sensor is 20% off with code BeastBF10 at

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