The base controller of the Node.IT system, called ESP210, is a small electronic module that contains an ESP8266 Wireless LAN enabled micro controller (equipped with 4 Mbyte of FLASH and an efficient voltage regulator). The +ONE module stacks on top of the base controller, expanding your system with new functionality by adding four analog channels to your system.
The Node.It system also includes a WorkStation board that expands the ESP210 base controller with up to 8 analog (12/16 bit selectable) ADC channels, 8 normal GPIO lines as well as 6 Timer/Counter/PWM pins.
The WorkStation board is essentially a carrier board for the stack base controller/module system. The base controller and all the other boards communicate via an I2C bus, allowing you to upload code or communicate with a PC without having to connect any thing else but the USB cable.
Aside from the small size and fully self-contained system, what I like the most about the node.IT system is that boards can be combined to build anything from very simple systems to advanced systems with buttons, sensors, memory cards, etc. Just plug it into a micro USB cable and you are ready to stat programming!
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