The Midi section of the RetroCade implements three MIDI jacks; MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, and MIDI THROUGH. MIDI In is used to connect MIDI instruments such as a MIDI Keyboard, MIDI control board, or MIDI sequencer to the RetroCade synth to send MIDI notes and Control Changes that tell the RetroCade what audio to output. MIDI Through is connected to the MIDI In port and passes everything that comes in over the MIDI In port back out so MIDI devices can be daisy chained together. MIDI Out can be used by the RetroCade to output MIDI data such as timing, change control's or notes.
The RetroCade features two top of the line 1/4" Neutrik audio jacks with a low pass filter combined with a high speed Delta-Sigma DAC, which allows high quality audio output to be realized. The high speed of the FPGA clock allows the FPGA to do the heavy lifting of the Digital to Analog conversion.
The RetroCade features a 16x2 HD44780 compatible Character LCD, used to provide standalone control and feedback for the RetroCade. A standard backlight is provided for easy visibility in low light situations.
Fingertip Joystick
RetroCade's four directional TPA511GLFS digital joystick allows for easy menu navigation.
Micro SD
The MicroSD (Secure Digital) socket expands the RetroCade with GigaBytes worth of storage space for the audio and configuration files.
Analog Input
16 Analog inputs allow the RetroCade to be turned into a custom controller and the Analog header allows you to connect up to sixteen analog devices such as sliders, knobs, and analog joysticks. The header is even compatible with the Seeed Studio analog Grove devices when used with a Grove to Brick adapter. The 16 analog channels are implemented with two ADC088S102CIMTX 8-bit, 8 Channel, SPI ADC's that are capable of sampling at speeds up to 1Msps.