Each tap or scratch sound recorded can be then associated with a particular instrument. The Mogees app detects and analyzes the vibrations you make, and then alters the acoustic properties to make the vibrations musical by producing different notes and timbres.
The Verdict
Mogees can transform anything into a musical instrument and can be used as a MIDI Controller to trigger different MIDI notes and control any synth or effect. With Mogees you get a mobile app and special contact microphone, which works with smartphones and tablets. The Mogees input adapter that comes with the package can be used with standard music equipment and computers.
Mogees uses sysnthesis techniques such as physical modelling synthesis and frequency modulation synthesis (FM synthesis) to simulate the physical source of sound and turning it into a different-sounding tone. The Mogees app has a sizable selection of specifically-designed sound engines such as classic drum sounds. Check out Mogees Sound Recognition Vibration Sensor