How far sat navs have come along is night and day when compared to TomTom satnavs such as the new GO Discover and and the Go Essential (pictured) sat nav which has an intuitive setup and comes with useful features like magnetic mount and WiFi support.

you can change the theme color of the dashboard
When you select an address or place you then tap on Drive and the route is planned along with clickable symbols such as petrol stations, exits, rest areas, toll zones and stops that you can click for more information. You have an option to enable/disable information icons so they don't appear in-map.

europe v1011.9002 4 months old (released date 5/2018)

Accessories are a welcome addition to any gadget and with the Go Essential TomTom bundles in the Active Magnetic mount and charger which also includes a charging cable and a 12v usb car adapter.

The magnetic mount is also compatible with other Tomtom models including the Go 520, Go 5200, Go 620, Go 6200, Go Professional 520, Go Professional 620, Go Professional 6200 and the Go Professional 6250. Buy it on Amazon

ball joint on the mount lets you lets you adjust angle

charging cable inserted into charging port located on the mount

TomTom Go Essential Model: 4PN50 – 4PN5.001.02

user manual