
GoPiGo Board Ultrasonic Sensor Attachment & Python Programming - Part 4

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Part 4 will complete the total build of the GoPiGo Robot Car and that will be attaching the ultrasonic sensor to the servo faceplate that I installed in Part 3's Servo Assembly. Attaching the ultrasonic sensor is pretty straight forward using two of the screws that came with the servo kit.
ultrasonic sensor connected to GoPiGo Board's analog port
The GoPiGo Robot car is now ready to be programmed to execute commands. To program the GoPiGo Robot Car I will be using the Python programming language. Here are the steps to start programming the GoPiGo Board:

Step 1) Go to your Internet browser, type in http://dex.local/ and Launch VNC
Step 2) Click on GoPiGo folder, right click and select Empty File to create a file (I called it You can call it anything you want but be sure to add ".py" at the end.
Step 3) Write the following lines of code and then save the file:
from gopigo import *
import time


Step 4) To execute the lines of code above, we use Terminal command prompt. Then, enter the log in details (username: pi/ password: robots1234)
Step 5) Notice the directory location of, which is /home/pi/Desktop/GoPiGoLocal/ Therefore, we type in cd Desktop/  >cd GoPiGoLocal  >sudo python to execute the command.

Step 6) The wheels will spin forwards and backwards and then stop. That's it!

The upcoming Part 5 will be about remote controlling the GoPiGo Robot Car with a desktop keyboard. Stay tuned!

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