The mixer section of the P32DJ deck has controls for HIGHS, MIDS and LOWS, as well as headphone volume buttons, RECORD button (for recording sets) and SLIP button for engaging the SLIP mode feature which allows you to pick up a track where you left off when using the LOOP and SLICER features of the P32DJ and DJUCED 40° app.
The DJUCED 40° has great functionality and allows you to adjust the BPM of tracks, create manual loops and cut tracks in slices as well as play with four samples at the same time on one deck. You can check this guide for a more detailed run down on how to use the DJUCED 40° app
The Hercules P32DJ MIDI controller is light and compact, easy to use, portable and comes with the DJUCED 40° DJ application which is great to deejay with. You can do loop playing and sync mixing, can control fixed loops with a single encoder and you can see the length of the length of the loop in the digital display.
The SLIP mode works great with instant loops to create beat repeat effects without losing the phasing of your track (great for live performance effects). When SLIP mode is turned off, playback continues within the loop as as no pad is pressed. When SLIP mode is on, the loop will slip to the next slice available. The QUANTIZE mode in SAMPLER is great as it gives you perfect synchronization between all the decks and the SAMPLER, allowing perfect phasing. Check out the Hercules P32DJ