First, turn on the Teeny Drone and then turn on the remote transmitter (you will hear two beeps). The LED lights will start flashing for a couple of seconds and then slowly stop flashing. When the LED lights stop flashing, move the left throttle joystick up and down and you're ready to go. The Teeny Drone itself has a total of four LEDs (two blue ones in the front and two red ones on the back).

The left shoulder bumper controls the speed (you can switch between easy and fast); while the right shoulder one is the trick bumper, which allows you to flip the Teeny Drone in midair. The left joystick controls the throttle and height, while the right joystick controls the forward/backward and right/left movements. There also four small buttons on the Teeny Drone RC controller for the front/back and right/left motor adjustments.

Each blade propeller on the Teeny drone has printed the letters A or B. The correct blade combination is very important for the Teeny drone to lift off and take off. With the on/off switch facing you, make sure the blade propellers are inserted in the right motors:
Front Left motor = A
Front Right motor = B
Back Left motor = B
Back Right motor = A
The Verdict
The Teeny Drone mini RC drone is the perfect beginner nano quad drone that you can fly indoor and outdoor without the fear of crashing. The Teeny Drone nano quadcopter is super fun, comes with a RC transmitter (with thumb-pads or sticks) that its larger than the standard micro quad controller, and you can get around 10 minutes worth of flight time out of the Teeny Drone from a full 15-minute charge. Should you need spare parts, a crash repair kit is available to purchase that includes replacement motors, blade propellers, screws and body. The hard-shell briefcase is a really nice touch and it's great for carrying and storing the Teeny Drone around. Check out the Mini Drone Nano Quad by Teeny Drone